Topic and focus

Insolvency Law Journal (InraTi) is a forum for research and debate on insolvency law issues in an interdisciplinary perspective. The magazine's aims are, among other things, to spread knowledge about current insolvency law issues and is aimed at a wide readership. With insolvency law as a starting point, related subject areas are also treated, i.a. contract, purchase, labor and tax law as well as crimes against creditors and other related crimes. In addition to scientific articles, articles written by practicing lawyers and economists, case analyses, book notices, debate and student articles and literature coverage are published. So far, the article authors have consisted of both lawyers and business economists, but we also welcome contributions from other disciplines.

The journal is aimed at lawyers, judges, prosecutors, bailiffs and other practicing lawyers and economists, as well as researchers with a legal and economic focus, accountants and others who want to follow current developments. The hope is also to encourage future lawyers and economists to take an interest in insolvency law.

The journal's ISSN, print: 2002-3014, online: 2002-6315.

Section policies

Expertly reviewed article
Current Court Cases
book Review

Review process

Peer-review for the Insolvency Law Journal aims, among other things, to maintain high scientific standards and objectivity. The aim is that the journal should only publish qualified scientific research within the current subject areas. All scientific articles in the Insolvency Law Journal are reviewed at the author's request by two members of the editorial board.

If necessary, another external auditor is hired. We apply a double-blind procedure, which means that the author is anonymous to two independent reviewers and vice versa. The experts submit written assessments of the article's scientific quality to the editors. The author receives, still anonymous, part of the experts' assessment and possible suggestions for improvements. The editors then - after possible revision - make a decision on whether publication should take place. In this final assessment, great importance is attached to the statements of the scientific assessors. If the article is published in InraTi, it will be clearly stated that the article in question has undergone peer review.

The editors also carry out a language review of accepted scripts. This pre-review procedure is an important function to guarantee the scientific quality of the journal. Debate articles, book submissions and other articles without scientific ambitions will therefore not be peer-reviewed.

Publication frequency

The journal is published with four issues per year. The dates when the magazine is sent from the printer are listed here.

Interested in writing? The script deadline for each issue is listed here.

'Delayed' Open Access

The contents of this journal will be made available Open Access 6 month(s) after the issue has been published.

Printing and distribution

Responsible for the layout, printing and distribution of the Insolvency Law Journal is the University Printing Office at Karlstad University.


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