The association's company is Insolvency Law Journal.
The purpose of the association is to promote legal development in insolvency law.
The association shall fulfill its purpose by publishing the journal Insolvensrättslig Tidskrift.
The association's activities are conducted on a non-profit basis by publishing the magazine by subscription to cover running costs.
The association has its seat in Stockholm in Stockholm Municipality, Stockholm County.
A member of the association is someone who wants to work for the association's goals and undertakes to follow the association's statutes and is approved by the association's board.
Members must pay the membership fee that is determined annually by the annual meeting.
The board consists of the chairman and 4 other members. The board appoints a vice-chairman, secretary, treasurer and the other members the association deems necessary.
The board represents the association, monitors its interests and manages its affairs. The board decides on behalf of the association, unless otherwise stipulated in these statutes. The board must implement the decisions made by the annual meeting, manage the association's financial affairs and keep accounts, as well as submit an annual report to the annual general meeting for the most recent financial year.
The board meets when the chairman deems it necessary or if at least three board members request this.
The board is quorate when at least 3 people are present. Board decisions are made by simple majority. In the event of an equal number of votes, the sentence the chairman assists applies, however, the decision is made in the case of elections by drawing lots.
The association's company is signed by the association's board or two members of the association.
Fiscal year must be calendar year.
The board's annual report must be submitted to the association's auditors no later than 31/3.
The board's administration must be reviewed annually by an auditor appointed at the annual meeting. The auditor must submit his audit report by 30/4 at the latest.
Ordinary annual meeting, which is the association's highest decision-making body, is held annually before 31/5 at a time and place determined by the board. Written notice must be sent to all members no later than 14 days before the regular annual meeting and no later than 7 days before the extraordinary annual meeting.
At the ordinary annual meeting, the following matters shall be dealt with:
Decisions on matters of greater financial importance to the association or its members may not be made if this was not included in the notice to the meeting.
An extra annual meeting is held when the board or the auditor finds it necessary or when at least 1/4 of the association's members demand this through a written request to the board. The request must state the matter or matters that the members want the meeting to deal with. At an extraordinary annual meeting, only the matters specified in the notice may be dealt with.
At the annual meeting, each member has one vote. The right to vote is personal and can be exercised by proxy.
Decisions are made by acclamation or, if requested, after voting.
Voting takes place openly, except for elections where closed voting must take place if someone requests this. Decisions are made, unless these statutes stipulate otherwise, by a simple majority. In the event of an equal number of votes, the opinion that the chairman contributes applies, however, in the event of an election, the decision is made by drawing lots.
A member of the board may not participate in decisions on discharge from liability for administrative measures for which he is responsible, nor in the selection of an auditor.
The meeting is decision-making with the number of members entitled to vote who are present at the meeting.
Amendments to these statutes require a decision of the annual meeting with at least 2/3 of the number of votes cast. Proposals for changes to the statutes may be made by both members and the board.
A member who wishes to withdraw from the association must report this in writing to the board and is thus deemed to have left the association immediately.
A member may not be excluded from the association for any reason other than that he has neglected to pay the agreed fees, opposed the association's activities or purposes, or obviously damaged the association's interests.
The question of exclusion may not be decided until the member has been informed of the circumstances that led to the membership being called into question. A decision on exclusion may not be made until the member has had the opportunity to express himself within a certain time specified by the board of the association, at least 30 days. In the decision, the reasons for exclusion must be reported. The decision must be served on the person concerned within 7 days of the decision.
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