September 21-22, the Academy of Insolvency Law organizes a conference on over-indebtedness at Karlstad University.
Many people live with debts that they lack the conditions to ever repay so-called eternal debtors. If more people can get their debts cleared, it means relief not only for the debtors and their families, but also for the creditors and society at large.
We want to broaden the discussion about over-indebtedness further to embrace to a greater extent the problems that over-indebtedness entails in society. By arranging an interdisciplinary conference where law is mixed with economics, social work and psychology, it is our belief that the issue of over-indebtedness, so important to society, can be illuminated from new perspectives in a context that previously did not exist.
At the conference, the following themes are highlighted: Description and review of the new debt consolidation laws, Over-indebtedness and health, Consumer protection and credit, The Debt Consolidation Act in a social perspective, Over-indebtedness is not a consequence of careless behavior and Poor and shame.