Responsible publisher, board and editorial board member. Juris doktor, professor i civilrätt verksam på institutionen för rättsvetenskap vid Linnéuniversitetet. Forskar bland annat i central förmögenhetsrätt med särskild inriktning mot insolvensrätt och ekonomiska brott. Marie är initiativtagare till inrättande av Akademien för Insolvens- och fastighetsrätt samt ansvarig för bildandet av Insolvensrättslig tidskrift, InraTi. Marie har varit adjungerad ledamot i Hovrätten för Västra Sverige och har arbetat som polischef och har varit extra åklagare. Innehar flera expert- och styrelseuppdrag. Marie var under åren 2018 – 2023 ordförande i Fastighetsmäklarinspektionens disciplinnämnd. Marie har tidigare varit verksam vid såväl Stockholms, som Göteborgs universitet samt vid avdelningen för juridik på Handelshögskolan vid Karlstads universitet samt gästprofessor vid Örebros universitet under åren 2018 – 2021.
Editor, board member. Doctor of Law and professor of civil law with a focus on real estate law at the Department of Real Estate and Construction at KTH. Former Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Bremen, Germany, and visiting professor at the Department of Business Administration, Uppsala University. Researches within central property law with a particular focus on credit law, real estate law, property law and insolvency law. Has held several expert and board assignments and is also the author of several scientific works in the field.
Board member. Lawyer and partner at Advokatfirman Fylgia KB. Head of Fylgia's insolvency group. Working at a law firm since 2002 with a main focus on corporate, credit insolvency and procedural law. Works widely in credit and insolvency law, both in bankruptcy administration and corporate restructuring, but also as a creditor's representative and with restructuring etc.
Member of the editorial board. Master of Business Administration (HHG), jur.dr. in civil law (Ua) and professor of business law at Linköping University since 1998, now as emerita. The area of interest primarily includes those parts of business law in which knowledge of accounting and financing is particularly fruitful, such as companies' capital supply (both via own and external capital) and reconstruction of the operations conducted by companies in insolvency. With its origin in questions of substantive law as well as questions about payment seen as a legal act, a second research interest has emerged, namely the question of how the law's property concept and money concept can/should be interpreted/changed, in order to promote, or at least not hinder, the use of new technology and the development of new business models. Practical experience in financing and insolvency issues has been gained through employment as general counsel at Sparbanken Alfa (Gothia unit) and its predecessors under various titles and through assignments as a member of the board of Sparbanken in Mjölby, member of the board of Almi Företagspartner Östergötland AB, member of the board of Teknikbrostiftelsen in Linköping and member of the Investment Committee for Inkap II (fund linked to Innovationskapital AB, Gothenburg).
Member of the editorial board. Jur.dr, professor of civil law, especially association law, at Stockholm University since 2010. Former professor at i.a. The International Business School in Jönköping and the University of Bergen and visiting professor at Queen Mary College in London. Member of the working group behind the European Model Company Act (EMCA) and participated once upon a time as an external expert in the work on the Limited Liability Companies Act. Main areas of interest are Swedish and international company law, but also stock market law and legislative technology as well as legal economics.
Member of the editorial board. Bachelor of Laws (1995), doctor of law. (2002), professor of insolvency law etc. at the University of Copenhagen (Faculty of Law) since 2004. Researcher in i.a. insolvency law, district court, financing law and the bailiff. Author of a long series of books and articles, especially in these subjects. Chairman of the Bankruptcy Council (Denmark). Board member Financial Stability. Chief editor for Business Law Journal. Member of the International Insolvency Institute (III) and part of the jury that annually awards The III-Prize in International Insolvency Studies. Reviewer for Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen. Arbitrator. Has participated in a large number of legislative preparatory committees and working groups.
Member of the editorial board. Doctor of Law, Master of Economics, professor of Nordic law, associate professor of civil and commercial law, responsible researcher at the University of Helsinki. Bärlund's main research areas are consumer protection, contract law, market law, tort law and personal law from a Nordic perspective. His latest research article deals with gender-discriminatory marketing in Nordic marketing law. Bärlund's main teaching areas are consumer law, contract law, property law and tort law.
Member of the editorial board. Administrative lawyer at the Swedish Enforcement Agency's head office. Responsible for the Swedish Enforcement Agency's expert group for collection issues and has been so since the group was formed in 2005. Main legal areas are search rights, but also works some with the legal areas of publicity and confidentiality and processing of personal data. Has worked some with international assignments and also participates in the work of the International Association of Bailiffs (UIHJ).
Member of the editorial board. Jur.dr., professor of commercial law at the School of Economics, University of Gothenburg. He has published several books and articles in the field of civil law and had various academic assignments as an expert, member of the assessment board, etc. He has, among other things, has been a visiting professor, i.a. at Southern Methodist University, Dallas Texas in 2007 and 2011 and is a member of the European Law Institute.
Member of the editorial board. Law. dr. and professor of procedural law at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Previously worked for 20 years as legislative adviser in the Ministry of Justice. Member of CERIL board. Holds several expert and trust assignments. Also has an extensive literary output in procedural law.
Member of the editorial board. Attorney at Gotland district court. Mikael Mellqvist is an honorary Doctor of Jurisprudence at Stockholm University. Mikael Mellqvist worked for several years at the Ministry of Justice with legislation in the field of insolvency law. Mikael Mellqvist has published several textbooks and handbooks in civil law, procedural law and insolvency law.
Member of the editorial board. Cand.jur (1990), lawyer (1993, bestalling deponeret), ph.d. (1999), acting county judge in the Vestre Landsret (2007-2008), professor of insolvency law and civil procedure at Aarhus University since 2008, member of the Bankruptcy Council (Denmark), board member of the Nordic Association for Litigation.
Member of the editorial board. Professor of fortune at Aalborg University, Department of Law. Ørgaard has taught all property law subjects at university level and has published articles and books on topics in contract law, tort law, company law, insolvency law, procedural law, pledges, property law and property law in general. Especially regarding insolvency law, Ørgaard has in recent years published Konkursret, 12, ed., 2018 and Konkursloven with comments (together with lawyer Lars Lindencrone Petersen), 14. ed., 2018. Since his professorship, he works as a lawyer at TVC Advokatfirma .
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